
Showing posts from September, 2021

Banana Peel Cake Recipe

Banana is a natural product from which you can likewise utilize the strip, and confirmation of this will be this banana strip cake! Inquisitive? In Specialfood we present an extremely basic formula for this pastry, so you can make it at home. See underneath for the bit by bit banana strip cake formula!  Elements for making banana strip cake:  4 units of ready banana  3 cups of wheat flour (420 grams)  2 cups of sugar (320 grams)  2 cups of milk (480 milliliters)  2 tablespoons of mellowed margarine  2 egg units  1 tablespoon of preparing powder  1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon  Instructions to Make Banana Peel Cake:  Start the banana strip cake formula by whipping the egg whites into snow and saving them in the ice chest. Then, at that point wash and strip the bananas.  Put the banana strips, egg yolks, milk and spread in a blender, beat until you get a smooth combination.  In a bowl blend the dry fixings: flour, sugar, yeast and cinnamon. Add blender combination to fixings in bowl and

Cornmeal Cake Recipe

The cornmeal cake, very popular among Brazilians, has its origins in Africa. It is one of the obligatory dishes at June festivals and one of the simplest cakes to make, which generally pleases everyone. See the Specialfood walkthrough for the cornmeal cake below! Ingredients for making cornmeal cake:  1 cup of milk (240 milliliters)  ½ cup of oil (120 milliliters)  1½ cups of sugar (240 grams)  1 cup of fine cornmeal  1 cup of wheat flour (140 grams)  1 teaspoon of yeast  4 egg units How to make cornmeal cake: Place the dry ingredients (sugar, cornmeal, flour and yeast) in a bowl, stir and add the rest. This is the first step of the cornmeal cake recipe. Mix all the ingredients well until you get a homogeneous mixture. Pour it into a cake tin previously greased with butter. Bake the cornmeal cake dough in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes at 180ยบ C. When the cornmeal cake is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool and then unmold. Serve as a dessert or snack! If you liked